
10 Best Charities that Accept Stuffed Animals

Donating stuffed animals can be a heartwarming way to declutter your home while bringing comfort and joy to those in need. If you have a collection of gently used stuffed animals that are no longer serving their original purpose, consider giving them a new lease on life by donating them to charitable organizations.

Stuffed animals have the remarkable ability to provide solace and a sense of security, especially to children and individuals facing challenging circumstances. Whether it’s children’s hospitals, homeless shelters, or organizations supporting vulnerable populations, these donations can make a significant impact on the lives of those they reach.

This article will guide you through a list of charities that accept stuffed animal donations. So, let’s turn those dust-gathering fluffballs into beacons of comfort and happiness. It’s time to put a smile on someone’s face and clear some space in your life, all in the spirit of giving.

1. Local children’s hospitals

In hospitals for kids, stuffed animals are like special helpers. These hospitals like to give stuffed animals as gifts to make sick children feel better.

Imagine having to go to the hospital when you’re a kid. It can be scary and not very fun. But having a soft and cuddly stuffed animal with you can help. It’s like having a buddy to make you feel safe and happy.

When you give your stuffed animals to a children’s hospital, you’re doing something really nice. You’re making sick kids feel better. Your stuffed animals become their friends in the hospital. Find a local children’s hospital and donate your stuffed animals today.

2. Goodwill and Salvation Army

When you’re ready to part with your stuffed animals and bring smiles to new faces, consider the welcoming doors of thrift stores like Goodwill and the Salvation Army. These stores, well-known for their commitment to making a positive impact in communities, gladly accept used stuffed animals as part of their donation programs.

By donating your stuffed animals to these thrift stores, you’re not only creating space in your home but also contributing to a cycle of generosity.

Your beloved companions find new homes where they continue to bring comfort and happiness to others, all while supporting charitable initiatives in your local area. It’s a win-win scenario where your stuffed animals embark on new adventures, and your act of giving helps those in need.

3. The Toy Foundation

The Toy Foundation is a 501(c)3 children’s charity that aims to provide moral support and toys to children and families under stress and in other dire situations. The foundation mainly works in the USA and other countries across the globe.

It is an awesome place to donate your loveable stuffed animals to this charity so they reach the most deserving people while also making some space in your home.

There are multiple ways you can take part in the Toy Foundation’s good initiative by participating in the Toy Bank, where you can simply give away your stuffed animals, become a sponsor, or join the Leaders Circle, where you can do many more good things.

4. Toys for Tots

TOT is yet another amazing program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve that distributes free toys and books to children whose parents can’t afford them on Christmas Eve.

You can give away your stuffed animals online through the Toys for Tots website. If you want, you can also donate some money; 97% of it goes to purchasing toys for children who can’t afford them.

If you have your old stuffed animals stocked in your home or want to donate them to children with disabilities, Toys for Tots is an amazing choice to go with.

5. Operation Gratitude

Operation Gratitude is specifically for those children whose parents are working in the military and other services. Operation Gratitude will take care of those children and deploy a guardian to take good care of these kinds of people.

Operation Gratitude will be accepting donations in the form of money, Beanie babies such as your used stuffed toys, etc. So, if you want to donate your stuffed animals, you can approach Operation Gratitude and hand over your old loveable.

6. Stuffed Animal Drive

A stuffed animal drive is a charitable initiative or campaign designed to collect and distribute stuffed animals to individuals, often children, who may benefit from their comfort and companionship.

These drives are typically organized by individuals, community groups, schools, businesses, or nonprofit organizations and can serve a variety of purposes, from offering emotional support to children in crisis situations to bringing smiles to the faces of those in need.

So take part in this Stuffed animal drive and donate your stuffed toys to one of these campaigns. It will reach the most deserving children who are suffering mentally and emotionally.

7. Donation Town

Donation Town is an amazing place if you want to donate your used stuffed animals, children’s clothes, or furniture. Donation Town will find local charities and organizations near you and connect with them. These charities will then pick up donations across the country.

The organization will accept gently used stuffed animals and other toys from the donors and send them to respective charities and organizations like the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, and Goodwill donations.

You can contact them from their official website and let them know about your donation. In this case, your stuffed animals can go to the deserving people.

8. Ronald McDonald House Charities

This is another great charity to donate stuffed animals to children in tough situations. Unlike other charities, Renaldo McDonald House of Charities doesn’t accept gently used stuffed animals or toys or any used books.

They took pride and accepted only new stuffed animals to take themselves on the highest level of safety and sanitation.

Apart from donating stuffed animals to the children, they also provide hotel stay rooms for parents near children’s hospitals to support them in their emotional situations.

9. Pay Away the Layaway

Holidays and special events can be burdensome to some families who are living on a tight budget. Pay Away the Layaway will help those families and children to celebrate the Christmas season.

While the charity doesn’t directly accept used toys like one of your stuffed animals, they do accept donations in cash to buy toys, books, blankets, and other baby items for the children.

10. Make-a-wish foundation

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is typically a nonprofit organization that fulfills the wishes of children with life-threatening conditions. The charity mainly accepts cash donations and volunteers to fulfill the needs of the patients.

It is worth approaching this charity and asking if your stuffed animal could provide moral support to one of these children. I am sure they will accept the toys because the children will fail better.

11. Police and Fire Departments

Police and fire departments will come prepared with stuffed animals to comfort young victims in traumatic situations.  If you want to donate your stuffed animals to the police or fire department contact your local department for the donation process.

Most of these departments do not hesitate to accept your used stuffed animals. If you running out of time or do not have any other choice, please use this option.

12. Local shelters and Homeless organizations

Local shelters and homeless organizations play a vital role in providing assistance and support to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in your community.

Many of these organizations welcome donations of stuffed animals to offer comfort and emotional support to those in need.

While the availability of such programs may vary by location, here are some ways to find and connect with these organizations:

1. Online Research

Start by conducting online research using search engines or social media platforms. Look for local shelters, homeless organizations, or nonprofits in your area.

2. Contact Local Government or Social Services

Reach out to your local government’s social services department or homeless services division. They may have information about shelters and organizations that accept donations.

3. Homeless Outreach Programs

Some cities have homeless outreach programs or mobile units that work directly with individuals living on the streets. Contacting these programs can lead you to organizations that accept stuffed animal donations.

4. Community Centers and Religious Institutions

Check with community centers, churches, synagogues, mosques, or other religious institutions. They often collaborate with or host programs for homeless individuals and may accept donations on their behalf.

5. Local Volunteer Networks

Join or contact local volunteer networks or organizations that support the homeless community. Volunteers often have insights into where donations are most needed.

6. Social Media and Online Communities

Explore social media groups, forums, or websites dedicated to community activism or homelessness issues. These platforms can provide valuable information on where to donate stuffed animals locally.

7. Call or Visit

In some cases, a direct phone call or visit to local shelters or organizations can provide the most accurate and immediate information on their donation policies and needs.

When you identify local shelters and homeless organizations, it’s essential to inquire about their specific requirements for stuffed animal donations and how they plan to distribute them to those in need.

This direct contact will ensure that your donations are put to the best possible use in supporting the homeless population in your community.

Other Online Platforms

Apart from the options above, you can also try social media groups and other online initiatives to donate your stuffed animals. Most of the charities that accept stuffed animals will run a special drive to accept your little ones.

FAQs about Stuffed animal donation charities

Q. How do you donate stuffed animals?

A. You can donate your stuffed animals to nearby charities and organizations near you. You can find a list of options in the above content.

Q. Can you donate brand-new stuffed animals?

A. Yes, many charities accept brand-new stuffed animals as donations. They can be a great gift for children in need.

Q. Should you donate or throw away stuffed animals?

A. It’s better to donate stuffed animals if they’re in good condition. Throwing them away should be a last resort.

Q. Do charities take cuddly toys?

A. Yes, many charities gladly accept cuddly toys, including stuffed animals, because they bring comfort to children.

Q. What to do with dirty stuffed animals?

A. If your stuffed animals are dirty, you can try cleaning them before donating. Follow care instructions or ask the charity if they accept cleaned stuffed animals.

Q. Should you wash stuffed animals before donation?

A. It’s a good idea to wash stuffed animals if they are dirty, but not all charities require this. If you want you can check with your local charity or organization if they accept unclean stuffed animals.


This is the end of our journey exploring the list of charities that accept stuffed animals. These fluffy companions have a magical ability to make people happy and bring comfort when it’s needed most.

We’ve learned that there are lots of places that would love to have our stuffed animals. Think of children’s hospitals, thrift stores, and groups that help those who are facing tough times. They all welcome these soft and snuggly friends with open arms.

So, what’s your next step? Let’s wrap up your stuffed animal and start spreading joy. Maybe it’s to make a sick kid feel better or put a smile on a family’s face. Join in today, and together, we’ll make a big difference, one stuffed animal at a time!


Hello friends this is Krishnaveni Gumpula, a Microbiology graduate turned Social Worker. Interested to make an impact for the poor and underprivileged people with my articles.

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